A React Native application connecting university student together through events, posts exclusive initiatives.
Collaboratively built an open-source social app streamlining event awareness using Flutter, Dart, Python & Django using OAuth 2.0 with Spotify’s REST Web API.
As a kid I had this trick where you give me any date in the past or future and I could give you the day of the week. I recreated the algorithm I did in my head in Python.
A recreation of the popular NY Times Wordle game.
A Java application using Java Swing that schedules tasks based on a MySQL database.
Full stack application with React and AWS that generates obituaries for people.
Raised $2200 for the Calgary Flames Sports Banks through a CSR project; hosted a soccer event, which brought awareness to hundreds in the community, and collected essential items such as hockey skates.
Led my team in the development of an application with Firebase and Svelte called ‘Balancr’ that targets youth in prioritizing their mental and physical health.
Crafted a versatile custom library, with JUnit test suite.